♥♥♥ 為了維護來「日光山林」貴賓權益,館內沒有另外提供讓您的寵物舒適的休憩地方,所以很抱歉沒有辦法攜帶寵物入館。(pets are not allowed.)
「台中包棟民宿‧日光山林民宿」,座落於中橫公路上,鄰近東勢林場、新社、后豐鐵馬道、大雪山森林遊樂區、八仙山森林遊樂區 、谷關溫泉等景點,擁有綿延的山城景致,充滿淳樸的人情味,更具有濃濃的客家情,還有多樣的美味小吃位於豐原廟東,會是您夜宿東勢地區不可錯過的觀光夜市~
(木構綠建築民宿 讓您體驗夜宿會呼吸的房子。全園區只有一棟大木屋內含4 間房間,不會吵到左右鄰居),一樓有挑高8米的客廳、餐廳、開放式吧檯,獨立廚房及一間精緻和室,戶外有休憩陽台與喝茶空間。二樓則有3間臥房,一區别緻的起居室,可藉由景觀窗遠眺大甲溪與山脈的雄偉。 「台中東勢民宿‧日光山林民宿」一處和諧與幸福的居所,擁有鄉村風格的室內設計,在優雅的居家氛圍裡,聞著淡雅的木頭香氣,於主人用心的佈置下與秉持" home away from home" 的精神,為前來的旅人們設計一處悠閒清幽的度假環境,讓您享有溫馨及親切自在的休憩落腳處~
倘若您對旅途或行程有任何疑問,歡迎直接 電洽
Sunhill Resort is located on Dongguan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City with European wood building.Since November 20th in 2012, it has started to be open to the public. The resort size is 6600 square meter and one parking lot that provides 6 cars parking. There is 4 rooms include one Japanese and three European suites.Two additional bed is available in Japanese and double rooms.(More details are available at Accommodation)
Reservation is suggested to made as early as possible, especially on such holidays as Christmas holiday, Valentines and long vacation. Please note that 30% of the room rate is required as deposit and if you cancel the reservation before 14 check in date. We will help to save the order within 3 months. if not, we will charge a half night cancellation fee per room for every booking.
By the way ,there is no place set for your pets to stay. Thus, we thank you for your understanding that pets are not allowed in Sunhill. Shall you have any questions, please contact Sunhill Resort at