入住資訊 Notice:
- 進房時間:下午15:00後,退房時間:上午11:00前 Check-in after 15:00. Check-out before 11:00.
- 房型皆付早餐 Breakfast included
- 室內全面禁酒、禁菸、禁嚼檳榔 Smoking, Alcohol and Betel Nuts are forbidden indoors.
- 室內禁止攜帶寵物 Pets are not allowed, otherwise B&B has the right to refuse check in. The deposit will not be refunded.
- 基於個人衛生及環保,請自備浴巾、毛巾、牙刷牙膏 For personal hygiene and environmental protection, towels, toothbrush, toothpaste are not provided. Don’t forget to prepare your own one.
匯款資訊 Payment:
- 經電話訂房確認後,請於訂房後3日內匯訂金(房價的30%),若於保留時間內未收到匯款訂金,則將取消訂房並且不另行通知。我們於收到訂金後,將為您保留房間,餘款到付
- The deposit (30% of the total room rate) should be put down within 3 days. The payment is acceptable to made by remittance. Please contact us to verify the amount after the transfer is completed.
- 匯款資訊:
- 銀行代碼 Bank Code:013 (Swift Code: UWCBTWTP)
- 銀行帳號 Account Number:005500188652
- 匯款銀行 Bank Name:國泰世華高雄分行 Cathay United Bank
- 匯款戶名 Account Name:鄭淑惠
取消政策 Cancellation Policy:
- 匯款後若因故欲更改日期,團體包棟請於15天前,個人請於7天前通知,可保留房間三個月如果因故需要退訂,有關訂金部分因為民宿房間有限,請體諒經營者的困難,依照下列說明退還部分訂金:
- Please contact us 15 days (group for over 20 guests.) / 7 days prior to check-in date. The reservation would be kept for 3 months. The modification cannot be cancelled or applied for any change again. The cancellation of a confirmed reservation is applied with the following conditions:
- 倘若因颱風停班停課,訂金全額退還
- Unexpected weather conditions occurred in check days, suck as typhoon warning publishing in Taiwan or irresistible cause cannot check-in. No cancellation fee will be charged.
通知日 Prior to Check-in |
14天前 |
10-13天 |
7-9天 |
4-6天 |
2-3天 |
前1天 |
當天 check-in day |
退還比例 Refund |
全數退還 full refund |
70% |
50% |
40% |
30% |
20% |
恕不退訂金 no refund |